Advancing Policy Initiatives That Promote Student Social, Emotional and Mental Well-being
June 6 | 10 – 11 a.m. ET
Youth social, emotional and mental well-being have become critical to ensuring positive educational experiences and outcomes in contemporary educational settings. While students’ needs have increased in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, funding and initiatives intended to support their social, emotional and mental well-being remain flat or decline across Pennsylvania. In this interactive session, learn about several policy-focused initiatives implemented by other states to address student social, emotional and mental well-being, and engage in conversations to identify and advance policy priorities across Pennsylvania.
Presenter: Ross Whiting, Ph.D., Co-Lead, SEL4PA
President, Dogwood Consulting, Inc.

Dr. Ross Whiting is the co-lead of SEL4PA and President of Dogwood Consulting, an organization that engages in evaluation, organizational development and advocacy that demonstrates, enhances and expands partner organizations’ impact. Ross is also the Chair of the SEL4NJ Youth Mental Health Advocacy Committee and an Advisory Board Member for SEL4NJ. Ross is the former principal investigator and current strategy and communications consultant with the Clayton Model Pilot Program in New Jersey, one of the largest school-based, state-funded direct SEL supports models in the United States. A consultant and social scientist, Ross has extensive experience in quantitative and qualitative research methods, organizational development, and program advocacy, serving diverse nonprofit, public, and private partners who are committed to improving opportunities and quality of life for the people they serve. Ross has a B.A. in music education from Mansfield University, an M.A. in music education from Boston University, and a Ph.D. in urban education from Temple University.
Strengthening the Web: The Value of Relationships in Supporting Youth and Families
Just as a spider depends on its web for sustenance, a young person depends on a web of relationships to shape and guide all aspects of their lives. The web of relationships does not have to be perfect, but it does need to be strong and flexible, adapting to the world around it, and to the needs and strengths of the people in those relationships. In this session, we will explore this web analogy through foundational research, interaction and reflection. Participants will become familiar with the Developmental Relationships Framework and walk away with strategies to apply in their daily work with young people and families. Above all, we will focus on the value of connection, and we can help strengthen the webs of those we serve and strengthen our own web in the process.
Presenter: Nichole D. Fisher, MAEd, Youth Development Program Coordinator
Center for Schools and Communities, a division of the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit

Nichole Fisher has served in the field of education for 17 years, nearly half of which she spent as an English teacher in the classroom with students in grades 9 through 12 in both Pennsylvania and Tennessee. Currently, Nichole is the youth development program coordinator for Pennsylvania’s statewide Education Leading to Career and Employment Training (ELECT) initiative at Center for Schools and Communities (CSC). In this role, Nichole provides ongoing training and technical assistance to ELECT grantees who serve pregnant and parenting teens across Pennsylvania.
During her time with the CSC, Nichole has acquired several certifications, including the National Dropout Prevention Center’s Trauma-Skilled Specialist, Youth Mental Health First Aid Instructor, National Fatherhood Initiative (NFI) 24/7 Dad® Master Trainer, and Instruction of Social-Emotional Learning and Character Development Interventions.
Nichole holds a B.A. in speech communication with a minor in psychology and a B.A. in English, secondary education from Shippensburg University, as well as an M.A. in education in adult education and training (MAEd/AET) from the University of Phoenix. In her life and work, Nichole is passionate about advocacy for youth and for those who serve them.
Motivating Youth and Building Skills for Life: Implementing Social and Emotional Learning in Out-of-School Time (OST)
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire the knowledge, attitudes and skills they need to recognize and manage their emotions, demonstrate caring and concern for others, establish positive relationships, make responsible decisions, and handle challenging situations constructively (www.CASEL.org). By incorporating SEL programs into afterschool programs, youth learn valuable skills such as pro-social interactions, positive problem-solving, self-regulation, empathy, initiative, and personal responsibility. This workshop will introduce SEL skills and highlight strategies that can be implemented specifically for the OST environment. Participants will identify SEL competencies and curriculum features important for SEL skill development, identify SEL strategies that can be implemented in the OST environment, and learn specific components of effective SEL practices in OST.
Presenter: Stephanie Colvin-Roy, Training and Organizational Development Associate
Center for Schools and Communities, a division of the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit

Stephanie has spent over 18 years providing professional development in prevention education and youth development. Stephanie provides professional learning, consultation and technical assistance to schools and youth-serving agencies with a focus on SEL as the training and organizational development associate for Center for the Promotion of Social and Emotional Learning at Center for Schools and Communities. Stephanie is the Lead International Trainer and manages the I Can Problem Solve (ICPS) and Raising a Thinking Child (RaTC) programs. She worked as an adjunct professor teaching personal resiliency, diversity and inclusion, was certified in the Pennsylvania Student Assistance Program (SAP), and served on the PASAP Board of Directors for 10 years. Stephanie is certified in Lifelines Suicide Prevention, ICPS (a CASEL, SELect program), and Lions Quest (an evidence-based SEL program). She has received extensive training in SEL and other areas, including character education, courageous conversations, diversity, and supporting students exposed to trauma.
Coregulation and Connection: The Crucial Role of Adults in Children’s Self-Regulation
A safe, nurturing relationship with a sturdy, regulated adult is the most important factor in a child’s ability to learn how to understand and regulate their own bodies and emotions. Learn a trauma-informed framework that will equip you to be effective coregulators, foster meaningful connections and safe environments, and allow children to flourish into socially and emotionally resilient humans.
Presenter: Colleen Patterson, ICPS and RaTC International Trainer

Colleen Patterson is an ICPS and RaTC International Trainer. She has over 15 years of experience serving children and the important adults in their lives as an educator, yoga and mindfulness instructor, and consultant. Colleen specializes in teaching tools for emotional regulation and stress relief, having taught in hospital pediatric departments, schools, corporate wellness programs, and community organizations. She holds an M.A. in early childhood education and special education from Teachers College, Columbia University, and is a certified yoga teacher for children and adults. Colleen has also trained with Mindful Schools and Yoga Ed in mindfulness and trauma-informed practices. Over the last two years, she has had the pleasure of using her expertise in social and emotional learning, mindful practices and emotional wellness as an ICPS and RaTC trainer and content creator.